Clarkson e o jabá no jornalismo automotivo

A coluna do Clarkson no Times deste Domingo está bacana. O apresentador do Top Gear reclama das táticas agressivas das assessorias de imprensa da indústria autobilística e da falta de espinha de muitos jornalistas.

Hereà€™s the problem. Most young car journalists are paid less than £15,000 a year, which means they have barely enough money left at the end of the week to buy food. And yet, each week, a brand new car is delivered to their house, full of fuel and insured.

Whatà€™s more, twice a week they will be flown, first class or on a private jet, to Florence or Tokyo or wherever. Here they will stay in a 38-star hotel where they will be showered with tasty morsels and refreshing wines.

The next day, after driving the new car through some lovely scenery, they will have a £150-a-head lunch and then board the jet for home clutching a nice freebie. A laptop computer, perhaps, or some expensive luggage.

So, are they going to give up being Elton John by saying something awkward about the car theyà€™ve been driving? Would you? Or would you bend over backwards, or forwards even, to ensure you were on the guest list for the next big global freebie? The car industry PR people know this. They know they have the power. They also know they have the budget to make sure that every single new car, no matter how dull, is guaranteed to get full-page coverage in all the magazines and all the newspapers.

Veja tb a nota: TV Pública x TV Privada: Top Gear x AutoEsporte e se vc gosta de carros, dê uma olhada tb no

Ahh... o gancho para falar mal de assessorias de imprensa é a crítica da nova pick-up da Nissan, a Navara.


Model Nissan Navara Double Cab Aventura
Engine 2488cc, four-cylinder turbodiesel
Power 171bhp @ 4000rpm
Torque 297 lb ft @ 2000rpm
Transmission Six-speed manual
Fuel 33.2mpg (combined cycle)
CO2 226g/km
Acceleration 0-62mph: 11.4sec
Top speed 105mph
Price £24,869
Rating 3/5
Verdict The closest a pick-up has come to being a proper car



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