Google, Verizon e neutralidade da internet... teorias
O Paul Venesia na infoworld publicou 5 possibilidades de explicação para o rebu causado pela reportagem do New York Times denunciando um acordo entre Google e Verizon para acabar com a neutralidade da internet.
Minha aposta é na teoria 3... não existe nada de concreto, mas vazaram para ver a reação do público...
3. Google and Verizon are not talking yet, but they're thinking about it
Maybe some flirting has been going on between Beauty and the Beast, but they're a little concerned about what the townsfolk might think. So they arranged for this leak to occur and are watching carefully to see if anyone notices or cares. Google will take the bigger PR hit here since Verizon already has a poor reputation for these kind of shenanigans, but the outcry (if any) will allow Google to calibrate its actions for whenever such discussions truly come to pass. It's a shot across the bow, so to speak.
... por isso, IMHO, é bom o público ficar esperto e reagir
AtualizaçãoGoogle e Verizon soltaram há pouco
esta declaração de princípios conjunta para uma "internet aberta".
Tá rolando discussão no Slashdot
O texto é longo e diz montes de coisas bonitas... mas trechos como este ainda incomodam:
Sixth, we both recognize that wireless broadband is different from the traditional wireline world, in part because the mobile marketplace is more competitive and changing rapidly. In recognition of the still-nascent nature of the wireless broadband marketplace, under this proposal we would not now apply most of the wireline principles to wireless, except for the transparency requirement. In addition, the Government Accountability Office would be required to report to Congress annually on developments in the wireless broadband marketplace, and whether or not current policies are working to protect consumers.
Pelo jeito não querem cobrar para priorizar o tráfego da internet em geral, o alvo principal são os serviços de banda-larga sem-fio...
De qq modo, continuo não entendendo pq o consumidor levaria alguma vantagem no longo prazo ao ceder poder para empresas cujo principal interesse é ter lucros.
A pressão popular contra essa ameaça à neutralidade da internet já está se organizando. No publicou um texto para servir de base para pressionar membros eleitos do Congresso americano.
Since the Comcast v. FCC decision, the rules protecting consumers on the Internet have become unclear. Without clear rules in place, the industry's largest companies have been making rules of their own, designed to protect their bottom lines and not the public interest. We can see this today in recent reports that Google and Verizon have an agreement on how to manage Internet traffic. With the breakdown in negotiations at the FCC among the biggest industry players, there is almost no chance for a short-term legislative solution.
Therefore, the FCC must act to protect consumers with the authority that Congress has already given it in the Communications Act. The FCC needs to finish the job it has started to re-establish clear rules of the road for broadband Internet providers now. If the FCC does not take action, consumers like me will be left vulnerable to future "Google-Verizon" deals that will benefit the largest Internet companies, harm competition, and ultimately transform the open Internet into the corporate Internet. Please demand that the FCC take action now to protect innovation, competition and American broadband consumers.
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