Reações pelo mundo (inclusive a do Lula)

O New York Times informa como foram os protestos do dia na Austrália, Oriente Médio e Europa. Nessa reportagem, Além de comentar as expectativas da reunião dos líderes da União Européia em Bruxelas para planejar a recuperação do Iraque, o jornal americano destacou a insatisfação de governantes de várias partes do mundo. Os latino americanos, liderados pelo Brasil, tiveram destaque no final do texto:

In South America, official reaction of the six governments making up the Mercosur group has been uniformly negative, led by Brazil.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, condemned the American position as an act of "disrespect to the United Nations and the rest of the world" that lacks moral legitimacy.

"All of us want for Iraq not to have atomic weapons or weapons of mass destruction," he said in Brasília. "All of us want a world living in peace, but that does not give the United States the right to decide by itself what is good and what is bad for the world."

Reaction in Argentina was nearly identical. Under president Carlos Menem, Argentina was the only Latin American country to participate in the first Persian Gulf war in 1991, but President Eduardo Duhalde, announcing the cancellation of a trip to Europe because of the conflict, made it clear that would not be the case this time.

"We are against this war and we are not going to support it or take part in it," he said.

In Chile, popular indignation was tinged with official regret and sadness. As a member of the United Nations Security Council, Chile had participated in efforts to avoid a war, even offering a compromise plan of its own last week in a failed attempt to prevent a unilateral American action.

"It is a tragedy," said Gabriel Valdés, Chile's ambassador to the United Nations. "Another tragedy is going to begin now."

As gauged by newspaper editorials and cartoons and radio and television call-in programs, popular response to the American action has been even more negative.

In Rio de Janeiro, the daily O Globo published a special section today on what it called "Bush's War," and cartoons in other publications show George W. Bush as a cowboy riding bombs as he would a horse or as a "Dr. Strangelove" figure.


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