The Nation x The Economist

Editores das revistas representantes de pensamentos opostos estão debatendo o papel das EUA no mundo...

Dear EmailNation Subscriber,

Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel and Bill Emmott, editor of The
Economist, agree on one thing. They both think America is at a defining
moment in its history. But they--and their magazines--diverge on other
major points, including war with Iraq, unilaterialism, the role of the UN,
American intentions, and the Bush Administration's foreign-policy.

Protector or Predator?

The Nation vs. The Economist

In a warm-up for a free public June 10 NYC showdown to be moderated by
WNYC's Brian Lehrer, vanden Heuvel and Emmott faced off last Friday on
WBUR's national public radio program The Connection, debating the
appropriate role the US should play in the world today.

To Listen Online:

And, if you're in the New York area, we'd love to see you on Tuesday
night. The auditorium seats about 800 people but we do expect a full house
so please try to arrive early.

A Debate on America's Role in the World

featuring Katrina vanden Heuvel and Bill Emmott
moderated by Brian Lehrer

June 10, 7:30--9:00pm
The New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 West 64th Street, NYC
FREE admission, seating limited, doors open at 6:30, please arrive early.

Co-sponsored by The New York Society for Ethical Culture, WNYC, The
Economist and The Nation.

And, for everyone outside of New York, CNBC will be broadcasting a live
twenty-minute "pre-debate debate" nationwide from the auditorium on
Tuesday at 6:30.

CNBC's Checkpoint with Katrina vanden Heuvel and Bill Emmott
Tuesday, June 10, 6:30 EST

CSPAN will also be in attendance and will broadcast the entire proceedings
as part of its Saturday night "American Perspectives" series, likely on
June 14th or 21st.

Finally, the audio portion of the debate will be available at both The
Economist and Nation websites about two weeks after the event.

The Economist:
The Nation

Watch this space for confirmation of broadcasts, streaming info and notes
on future Nation events.

Best Regards,
Peter Rothberg, The Nation



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