Aristide no DemocracyNow!

O DemocracyNow! conseguiu fazer uma entrevista de meia hora (mp3, html) com o presidente eleito e derrubado do Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, por meio de celular direto da República Centro Africana. Aristide volta a afirmar que foi sequestrado pelos americanos, conta em detalhes os acontecimentos dia da queda dele e diz que está na na República Centro Africana contra a vontade dele...

AMY GOODMAN: Are you being held in the Central African Republic against your will?

PRESIDENT ARISTIDE: Actually, against my will, exactly. Let me tell you, this past twenty hours on the American plane with American soldiers, including nineteen American agents who had an agreement with the Haitian government to provide security to us. They were also in that plane, maybe, to keep the truth in the plane, instead of having one of them telling the truth out of the plane. Because one of them had a baby, one year and-a-half in the plane - he was an American guy - and they wouldn't give him a chance to get out of the plane with the baby. My wife, the first lady, who was born in the United States, her father and mother were Haitians, with me. She didn't have the right to even move the shade and look out through the windows. Which means, they violated their own law. Until twenty minutes before I arrived here, I knew where they request going to land, which means clearly, clear violation of international law. Unfortunately, they did that, but fortunately, I pay tribute to the government of Central Africa for the way they welcomed us. It was gracious, human, good, and until now, this is the time kind of relationship which we are developing together. I thank them for that once again.


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