Jama'ah al-Islamiyah critica Al Qaeda

O Asia Times publicou um artigo muito bacana mostrando as críticas do grupo terrorista egípcio sobre a estratégias da Al Qaeda. O texto é baseado nas análises da CIA sobre o livro "The Strategy and Bombings of al-Qaeda" feito pela liderança da Jama'ah al-Islamiyah e publicado pelo diário londrino de propriedade saudita, al-Sharq al-Awsat.

Providing an equally surprising parallel, in December the US Defense Department's Strategic Studies Institute released a report describing the objectives of the Bush administration's war efforts as "politically, fiscally and militarily unsustainable". Al-Jama'ah observed essentially the same of al-Qaeda. And according to the CIA translation, al-Jama'ah argues that al-Qaeda "entangled the Muslim nation in a conflict that was beyond its power to wage".
Al-Jama'ah intimated that while al-Qaeda's late 1990s creation of the Islamic World Front to Combat Christians, Jews and Americans may have been pure in ideology and motive, it represented an unrealistic overreach which succeeded only in "enraging and antagonizing the enemy". The authors see a key result of this in US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice's later promise to "liberate the Muslim world". The perceived threat this represents to the "values and traditions of the Muslim culture" is highlighted as very significant.

Tem muita coisa interessante no artigo. Para quem quer entender um pouco melhor o ponto de vista islâmico, é leitura obrigatória.

O Asia Times de hj traz tb uma longa análise da relação entre o fundamentalismo cristão e a política unilateral da turma do baby Bush.

What, exactly, is the relationship between the Christian Right and the unilateralist foreign policy of the present US administration? For the past quarter-century, the Christian Right has been a key player regarding domestic social issues such as abortion, homosexual rights, and prayer in schools. While journalists, politicians and academics continue to analyze and debate the Christian Right's effectiveness in these areas, less attention has been paid to the religious right's influence on US foreign policy. However, that influence is becoming difficult to ignore and is in need of further analysis.



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