... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Raiva e arrependimento com processos da RIAA

O New York Times conversou com algumas das mil pessoas que estão sendo notificadas judicialmente pela RIAA por disponibilizar músicas com copyright em redes p2p. As gravadoras americanas querem U$ 150 mil por cada uma das 8 músicas citadas no processo...

"I used the program," said the man, 41, who used KaZaA to find songs that included the words "happy birthday" to play for his young daughter when she woke up on her birthday, among other times.
"It's cute, but look what happened," he said. "It's an expensive birthday, that's the reality."

Blz... Se der certo, vai sobrar mais espaço na internet para músicos independentes que só tem a lucrar disponibilizando as músicas em copyleft. Para os interesados nos na lei de copyright americana, vale dar uma lida nesse artigo do Register.

Para uma futurologia mais profunda, vale ler a entrevista do Tim O'Reilly no site stage4 dizendo que os sistemas de DRM (Digital Rights Management), como estão sendo concebidos hj, estão fadados ao fracasso...

In the end, I think that DRM is a non-starter, at least as currently conceived. It's baffling to me that the content industries don't look at the experience of the software industry in the 80's, when copy protection on software was widely tried, and just as widely rejected by consumers. As science fiction writer William Gibson said, "The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet." The software industry was the first to face the issue that bits are easily copyable. It was also the first to try to create artificial boundaries to that copying. But because copy protection greatly inconvenienced customers, it slowed the adoption of any software that used it. We're seeing exactly the same thing now with music, where copy protection schemes have caused consumers to reject the crippled offerings of the commercial online music services.


Yo-Yo Ma: Obrigado Brazil!

Obrigado Brasil!, o novo disco do Yo-Yo Ma vai ser lançado amanhã.


Morreu Bob Hope

O comediante, que completou 100 anos no final de maio, morreu de pneumonia na casa dele, na Califórnia. Veja Guardian.


Sy Hersh

A alternet publicou um artigo sobre o veterano jornalista Seymour Hersh. Veja tb essas no


Kuarup em homenagem ao seu Orlando

Os Yawalapiti realizaram um Kuarup em homenagem ao seu Orlando Villas Boas. Veja Reuters

"This was the greatest homage he could receive, in death and in life," said Villas Boas' widow Marina, who met him when she came to the Xingu as a nurse. Marina and their two sons were painted especially for the Kuarup as they sat in silence around the trunk in the center of the village.
"If others had come here, it would not be like it is now with our traditions alive and our togetherness," said Afukaka, chieftain of the visiting Kuikuru tribe.



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