... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Sherpa bate recorde de velocidade no Everest

Pemba Dorjie Sherpa saiu do acampamento base na tarde de ontem e chegou ao topo do mundo em em 12 horas e 45 minutos, 4 horas mais rápido que o recorde anterior. O percurso demora normalmente 4 dias para ser feito. Veja mais na BBCBrasil

O site da PBS têm um reportagem sobre esse povo. Vale ver tb o site da Sherpa Friendship Association que mostra detalhes sobre a cultura dos reis da alta montanha como:

In Sherpa and Tibetan languages, the word for "respect" or "politeness" is "shey-sa." If you have been invited to a Sherpa home, you may have been "shey-shey'd" by your host. If you decline food or drink, your host will press it upon you, insisting (at least three times) that you please partake. This is the host's duty.
Sherpa hospitality tradition is ancient and important. Your host or hostess will not feel that they have shown true respect to the guest (who could easily be Padmasambhava in disguise!) if you have not been robustly encouraged to eat, at least three times!

Within Sherpa society, it is considered rude to ask for tea or food directly. A Sherpa guest in a Sherpa home will never mention his hunger or thirst. He must wait for the host to offer.

Similarly it is quite rude to ask for additional servings of food at mealtime. The host will distribute food to guests according to their status. The guests should first decline. The host must then "shey-shey" - insisting vehemently that their guests (who are probably very hungry but declining out of politeness ) should accept a bowl of food. Guests may then accept. Additional servings, if available, will be "shey-shey'd" all around, with required polite declining first, followed by guest's grateful acceptance of the offering, and so forth until the meal is finished.


A farsa do salvamento da recruta Jessica

A motherjones reclama da falta de cobertura na imprensa americana sobre o estelionato midiático promovido pelos milicos americanos no caso do salvamento da recruta Jessica Linch (veja essa nota), compara com o excesso de destaque do caso Jayson Blair e traz alguns detalhes novos como:

Terra vista de marte

A sonda Mars Global Surveyor mandou algumas fotos da Terra vista de marte... Veja as imagens no msss.com, National Geographic e space.com.

Editorial do New York Times pede apoio a Kirchner

Em um texto curto, o New York Times, diz que a Argentina teve sorte de evitar mais um mandato do Menem, classificado de "ethically impaired president". O jornal explica que a campanha do Kirchner contou com uma retórica populista, sem prometer medidas específicas, mas extremamente crítica a corrupção e a política monetária do Menem. Entretanto, o jornal americano diz que seria um erro acabar com as reformas de mercado feitas pelo polêmico ex-presidente.

The last thing Argentina needs is to renationalize industries, inflating its already bloated, inefficient public sector.

The Bush administration and international financial institutions should help Mr. Kirchner succeed. Debt-restructuring and trade talks will loom large on the agenda. It is in Washington's long-term interests to shore up democracy in South America.

A busca do êxtase

A escritora Karen Armstrong publicou no Guardian um interessante artigo diiscutindo a busca do êxtase em várias culturas e o fracasso da política britânica de repressão ao consumo de drogas.



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