Uma reportagem do Sidney Morning Herald mostra que os atentados de Riad tinham o objetivo de atingir os funcionários da empresa americana Vinnell Corporation que treina a Guarda Nacional da Arábia Saudita, as tropas de segurança interna fundamentais para a manutenção da ditadura dos Saudis.
A Vinnell tem laços íntimos com os republicanos há décadas...
Vinnell's relationship with Saudi Arabia over nearly 30 years has been intriguing and controversial. For years it was owned by the Carlyle group, a defence and investment house close to the Bush family. Several former Republican cabinet ministers sat on Carlyle's board.
Dan Briody, author of a new book on the Carlyle group, tells how Saudi Arabia's military dependence on the US can be traced back to 1975, when Vinnell was hired by the Pentagon on a $US77 million contract to train Saudi troops to protect the country's oilfields. Some 1000 US special forces were recruited, Briody reports, most of whom came from Vietnam.
In 1992 Vinnell was taken over by the Carlyle group, whose chairman was Ronald Reagan's former defence secretary, Frank Carlucci. George Bush snr would later act on behalf of Carlyle and in 1993 Mr Bush snr's former secretary of state, James Baker, joined the company.
O Times afirma que a Vinnell é na verdade um disfarce para a CIA.
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