O New York Times fez um balanço bem positivo dos primeiros 100 dias do Lula. Veja um trecho.
"They've done much better than the pessimists predicted, including myself," said Maurice Goldstein at the Institute for International Economics in Washington. "I don't think the finance team has made a serious mistake yet."
Others, who put more faith in the genuineness of the shift Mr. da Silva and the Workers' Party have made toward the political center, are now able to tell investors, "I told you so."
When he last visited American and European investors in November, John Welch, the chief Latin America economist at West LB, said most of them "were very, very scared we'd have another Argentina on our hands in Brazil." But on the trip he just finished, investors were "reacting more and more positively to Brazil," he said.
"The best word to describe Lula's administration so far is `constructive,' in all senses of the word," Mr. Welch said. "They are moving forward and they are trying to build a structure for growth."
O WashingtonPost.com tb fez um balanço dos 100 dias de Lula, com mais destaque para a política externa.
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