Policia matou 11 mil pessoas desde 2003

Se vc achou o número enorme, possível apenas em sociedades selvagens sem lei, é melhor sentar e começar a chorar agora.

As 11 mil mortes destacadas neste relatório da Human Rights Watch foram registradas apenas nas regiões metropolitanas do Rio e São Paulo, teoricamente, as áreas mais "desenvolvidas" do país.

Official government statistics support the prosecutors' assessment that the problem is widespread:

* The Rio and São Paulo police have killed more than 11,000 people since 2003;

* The number of police killings in Rio state reached a record high of 1,330 in 2007 and in 2008, the number was third highest at 1,137;

* The number of police killings in São Paulo state, while less than in Rio, is also comparatively high: over the past five years, for example, there were more police killings in São Paulo state (2,176) than in all of South Africa (1,623), a country with a much higher homicide rate than São Paulo.

The high number of police killings is all the more dramatic when viewed alongside the comparatively low numbers of non-fatal injuries of civilians by police and of police fatalities.

* The São Paulo Shock Police Command killed 305 people from 2004 through 2008 yet left only 20 injured. In all of these alleged "shootouts," the police suffered one death;

* In Rio, police in 10 military policing zones were responsible for 825 "resistance" killings in 2008 while suffering a total of 12 police fatalities;

* Rio police arrested 23 people for every person they killed in 2008, and São Paulo police arrested 348 for every kill. By contrast, police in the United States arrested over 37,000 for every person they killed in alleged confrontations that year.

Sobre o assunto, o washingtonpost.com destaca a preocupação do pessoal da Human Rights Watch com as Olimpíadas do Rio.

De acordo com autor do relatório, Dan Wilkinson, a polícia matou mais na época do Pan de 2007... Se seguirmos a tendência, teremos mais uma carnificina em 2016...

With Rio just awarded the 2016 Olympics, Human Rights Watch is concerned that killings could increase as authorities try to control crime, Wilkinson said. He noted that ahead of the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio, police killed 19 people in just one day before the event kicked off.

Human Rights Watch said the police cover up the killings by manipulating evidence. In some instances, the bodies of people shot dead were rushed to the hospital to make it appear as if officers were trying to rescue them.

Será que até 2016 va justiça brasileira não vai conseguir ter um mínimo eficiência para acabar com o mantra "bandido bom é bandido morto"?


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