A fonte não é das mais confiáveis, mas enfim.... O tablóide inglês Sunday Mirror afirmou que o Saddam está há 9 dias negociando com os americanos. O ex-ditador quer escapar para a Bielorrússia. Em contrapartida, Saddam daria informações sobre as armas de destruição em massa e os números de contas bancárias onde estaria a grana roubada nos durante o governo dele.
As conversas estariam sob responsabilidade do Gen Sanchez e da Condoleeza. A reportagem diz tb que o Saddam estaria desesperado, encontrando cada vez menos apoio e abrigo.
Saddam's English-speaking representative walked into the US HQ at Tikrit - the dictator's home town - on September 12 and asked to talk to senior officers. He then led a group of US troops to a nearby suburb where one of Saddam's loyal security chiefs was waiting. The US officers were handed a hand-written note, purportedly from Saddam himself.
The security boss had a British-made Racal military radio set which he claimed gave him direct contact with people in the same room as the dictator. The radio is notoriously difficult to monitor. He was immediately taken into custody, but the US has continued to exchange messages with Saddam using the radio and other means.
A senior Iraqi told The Sunday Mirror last night: "A representative of Saddam dressed in Western-style civilian clothes came to coalition people at Tikrit at sunset on September 12. He led them to a house where the security official was waiting. "The discussions are now going on under the direct authority of General Sanchez. Naturally all the major decisions are being made at the level of the National Security Council, under Condoleezza Rice."
He maintained that Saddam had decided to seek a deal "because he is desperate, trapped and finding fewer and fewer people willing to give him shelter." He added: "He resorts to arriving with a posse of armed men, and forcing them to give him hospitality. When he leaves the frightened 'hosts' are told they'll be killed if they say a word."
Outra fonte pouco confiável, a Fox News, diz que os milicos americanos negam as negociações.
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