... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

OMC na Economist

A Economist publicou um especial sobre o fracasso das negociações em Cancún e o futuro da OMC. A revista reflete a visão pessimista da mairoria dos países ricos a respeito do impasse provocado pela nossa turma.

According to one observer, the trade minister of Bangladesh had tears in his eyes. “I'm really disappointed,” he is reported to have said. “This is the worst thing we poor countries could have done to ourselves.”
But poor countries, too, bear some responsibility for Cancún's collapse. Although a few emerging economies were tireless negotiators, too many others did no more than posture. Some of the posturing was tactical: for all their public rhetoric, for instance, the G21 group was actively negotiating with both America and Europe. But others, particularly some African countries, could not get beyond their radical public positions. Anti-rich-country rhetoric became more important than efforts to reach agreement.


Mais um buraco no ruindows

Se vc ainda usa ruindows não deixe de tapar todos os buracos. O novo exploit afeta principalmente o 2000. Veja Register.

IBM e Microsoft unem-se por padrões para Web Services

O novo e o velho império do mal anunciaram ontem um acordo para garantir a interoperatibilidade entre os sistemas produzidos pelas duas empresas.

Brasil deve investir em mapeamento geológico

Segundo a Reuters, a idéia é usar parte dos recursos obtidos com petróleo para melhorar o mapeamento geológico do Brasil e ajudar o desenvolvimento da indústria de mineração.

"Law project no. 7188 is crucial for mining investment recovery," Jose Mendo Mizael de Souza, executive secretary of Brazil's mining industry group Ibram, told Reuters earlier this week. He said the law could allow up to $300 million a year from state and private concerns to be injected into geological research and prospecting, which could encourage new projects.


Mais nove cidades da Alemanha devem adotar software livre

Segundo o diretor de TI da liga das cidades de Rheinland Pfalz, Markus Donsbach, deve acontecer nova reunião em outubro para planejar os testes piloto. O objetivo é se livrar dos softwares proprietários até o final do ano, quando vencem os contratos com a M$. Segundo reportagem da Infoworld, quase todas as grandes cidades alemãs e muitas pequenas estudam a migração para o software livre como a em andamento na prefeitura de Munique (veja nota).

The cost of licensing Microsoft products and the lack of support for some of them, such as the NT operating system, which is still used widely in many city administrations, are among the chief reasons for the nine German cities to mull a switch from the U.S. software giant to providers of open-source products, he said.

One big hurdle for the cities to migrate to open-source software could be their wide use of customized-software programs developed by a legion of smaller software vendors. "The cities have systems running on different IT infrastructures," Donsbach said. "The task force that we've establish intends to contact all the vendors and find out if they already provide interfaces to open-source systems and if not, whether they plan to provide these in the near future."


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