... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Americanos contratam arma de destruição em massa russa

O Moscow Times publicou um artigo do diretor do Institute of Globalization Studies em Moscow, Boris Kagarlitsky, criticando a contratação do economista russo Yegor Gaidar para o esforço de reconstrução do Iraque. Gaidar foi um dos principais atores da reintrodução do capitalismo na Rússia depois do fim do comunismo.

Kagarlitsky diz que a contratação de Gaidar seria uma vingança contra o povo iraquiano.

Think about it. You would really have to despise the Iraqi people to send in Gaidar to reform their economy. No other European economist in peace time has managed in two short years to reduce a country's standard of living by half, to destroy industrial output to the same extent, and to turn an industrialized country into a developing country.

O ativista aproveita para criticar tb outros economistas "neo-liberais" como Jeffery Sachs, Domingo Cavallo...

U.S. economist Jeffery Sachs became the first of the roving reformers when he took it upon himself for some reason to transform Bolivia. The unfortunate Latin American country has been reeling ever since from Indian uprisings and police strikes. Nonetheless, Latin America soon began to export roving experts of its own, such as former Argentine Economics Minister Domingo Cavallo, architect of the brilliant financial policy that led his country into bankruptcy. Cavallo made the rounds in Europe, then offered his services to Russia. And now we have joined the club. Having reformed our own economy nearly to death, we are ready to share our know-how with less advanced nations.


Boca vai ter canal de TV

O Boca Juniors vai ser o primeiro clube do continente americano a possuir um canal de TV a cabo com 24h de programação dedicada às suas atividades. Na Europa, Juventus, Real Madrid e Manchester já possuem espaço institucional semelhante. Veja La Nacion.

Se um canal do Boca é ecomicamente viável, um do Corinthians tb deveria ser...


Christiane Amanpour diz que CNN praticou autocensura na cobertura da Guerra do Golfo II

A veterana correspondente disse que CNN foi intimidada pelo clima de medo e auto-censura criado pela administração baby Bush e pela Fox News. Veja USA Today.

Said Amanpour: "I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self-muzzled. I'm sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did."


Mulheres querem salvar o mundo

A alternet publicou um artigo mostrando que o número de mulheres ativistas aumentou depois do 9/11. Segundo a jornalista Marlene Nadle, é uma reação às soluções violentas da tradição masculina.

The new organizing is more than an attack on personalities. As Jasmina Tesanovic, a member of Women in Black in Serbia, says, "My enemy is no longer a bad hero, or a politician, or a person in power, but the culture that makes such primitive people possible and empowers them." The organizing is part of a culture war to end the love of military glory, power, dominance and hierarchy often taught as part of male traditions. New Profile, a women's group in Israel, demands a complete reevaluation of its country's "military consciousness."


Prêmios da imprensa cubana

O chefe do Departamento Ideológico del Comité Central del Partido, Rolando Alfonso Borges, e outros dirigentes da imprensa cubana entregaram os prêmios do IV Festival de la prensa escrita. Entre os vencedores estão o Granma e as revistas Bohemia, Orbe e Juventude Rebelde.... :D Veja Granma



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