Outro mistério da humanidade foi resolvido. Cientistas descobriram porque o país que come peito de pato, croissants, fígado de ganso e centenas de tipos de queijos gordurosos tem apenas 7% da população obesa, contra os 22% de gordos americanos. Muitos tentaram resolver o paradoxo destacando os benefícios do vinho tinto, do azeite de oliva, etc.
Mas, parece que a resposta é bem mais simples. De acordo com uma pesquisa comparando as porções servidas em Paris e na Filadélfia, os franceses comem uma quantidade menor de tudo. Veja Guardian.
Mean portion size across all Paris establishments was 277g (9.8oz), compared with an average in Philadelphia of 346g (12.2oz) - about 25% more. Only in the Hard Rock Cafe chain did the Parisian portions match the US ones. Philadelphia's Chinese restaurants served 72% more than the Parisian ones. A supermarket soft drink in the US was 52% larger, a hotdog 63% larger, a carton of yoghurt 82% larger.
"If food is moderately palatable, people tend to consume what is put in front of them, and generally consume more when offered more food," said Paul Rozin, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. "Much discussion of the obesity epidemic in the US has focused on personal willpower, but our study shows that the environment also plays an important role, and that people may be satisfied even if served less than they would normally eat."
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