A Economist comenta a paralisia do programa social do governo Lula, mas diz que em breve as coisas vão começar a funcionar. A burocracia vai ser arrumada e devem ser aproveitadas as boas inciativas do governo FHC, como o Bolsa Escola. O chefe do escritório do Banco Mundial no Brasil diz que pode ser "a maior experiência da história"...
The muddle may soon end. In the next few weeks, Lula is expected to relaunch his government's anti-poverty drive. Half-a-dozen programmes that transfer money to the poor are to be combined, or at least co-ordinated. Their reach and value is to increase and they are to be run more efficiently. This bureaucratic fix may bring back a familiar model, a souped-up version of the one so popular in Alagoas. But the results could be striking. “This may be the greatest experiment in history” by a big democracy with economic problems to address poverty without making these problems worse, says Vinod Thomas, who heads the World Bank office in Brazil.
A Economist publicou tb um obituário do Roberto Marinho. O texto dá conta da lamentável cobertura feita pela Globo das eleições de 89 e a vitória do Lula no ano passado...
Last year, when Lula stood again for president, he felt he had strong enough support in the country to tell Mr Marinho and his three sons (who now ran the business) that he was going to win whatever Globo did. In the event, Globo reported the campaign fairly. Lula won by a landslide. With Mr Marinho's death, all old hostilities were put aside, all were patriots now and Lula declared three days of national mourning.
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