O Guardian publicou hj o comentário da jornalista Polly Toynbee comentando as iniciativas da ONU para o combate às drogas. O texto começa com um surreal balanço do plano de 10 anos da política "Just say no" feito pelo responsável pelo programa:
"Does drug control policy work?" he asked rhetorically. "This question can be answered in the affirmative and unanimously." Yes, the UN programme is "on target to reach its goals" - to eradicate drug abuse and the cultivation of coca, cannabis and opium by the year 2008. Yes, really.
It was a Comical Ali moment, a breathtaking lie which everyone in the hall knew was nonsense - and he knew they knew it. Out there, drug prices are still falling and drug use is generally thought to be increasing. A few optimistic experts say it has stabilised - but few believe it.
Fica difícil de acreditar nesses prazos com o preço das drogas continua caindo, o consumo aumentando, o Afeganistão voltando a ser o maior produtor mundial de heroína e as plantações de folhas de coca saindo da Colõmbia e indo para a Bolívia e Perú.
A jornalista critica tb a pressão americana para impor a solução deles em outros países, impedindo o debate e a busca de uma solução para o problema.
US politics reduce all difficult issues to TV attack soundbites, making it impossible for politicians to debate what works: anything but "Just Say No", is a sure-fire election loser. So, yet again, US policies are imposed, and the crude deficiencies of American democracy are played out globally.
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