O Blix disse durante entrevista para a BBC que os americanos prejudicaram o trabalho dele no Iraque.
Mr Blix said that in the run-up to war, the US had seized on his alleged failure to include details of a drone and cluster bomb found in Iraq in his oral presentations to the Council.
"The US was very eager to sway the votes in the Security Council, and they felt that stories about these things would be useful to have, and they let it out," he said.
"And thereby they tried to hurt us a bit and say that we had suppressed this.
"It was not the case, and it was a bit unfair, and hurt us. [We] felt a little displeased about it."
Veja tb o Guardian.
O ex-membro do gabinete do Blair, Robin Cook, quer a volta dos inspetores da ONU. Segundo a BBC, ele disse que os EUA não vão convencer o resto do mundo da existência das armas do Saddam sem uma investigação independente. Entretanto, de acordo com o New York Times o W. não está afim de deixar o Blix trabalhar.
Ainda na política interna do Conselho de Segurança, a França surpreendeu o mundo ao defender a suspensão das sanções comerciais ao Iraque mesmo sem a volta dos inspetores. Veja Reuters.
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