Bush veta invasão da Síria

O Guardian citando fontes da "inteligência" americana, garante que o W. cortou o barato do Wolfowitz e não tá afim de invadir a Síria.

However, President George Bush, who faces re-election next year with two perilous nation-building projects, in Afghanistan and Iraq, on his hands, is said to have cut off discussion among his advisers about the possibility of taking the "war on terror" to Syria.

"The talk about Syria didn't go anywhere. Basically, the White House shut down the discussion," an intelligence source in Washington told the Guardian.

O editorial do New York Times lista vários motivos para derrubar o Assad, mas tb acha bobagem fazê-lo.

War against Syria, however, makes no sense. The United States has its hands full in Iraq. More important, Washington will only live up to the worst expectations of the Arab world if it now adopts a belligerent military approach to every nation in the region that it dislikes. It may be possible, however, to use the threat of diplomatic or economic sanctions to encourage Damascus to reconsider its hostile policies in the wake of the fall of Mr. Hussein.

But President Assad, like his father, has shown little interest in pulling his people out of the misery in which they exist, and Syria may turn out to be one of the most complex problems facing the Bush administration as it rebuilds Iraq.



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