Paul Kimmage/Floyd Landis Interview - Doping Scheme in Cycling
I’m getting mixed feelings about Floyd Landis.
I kind of disliked it when he threw all that shit on the ventilator at Tour of California last year what surely compromised what could be Lance's and Shacks strong show, even the Tour d' France its competition level and eventually its results, may be. There is a possibility now as facts are pointing that even the podium guys are not cleaner than Lance, Landis, Hamilton or whoever. Landis actions at the time, may have affected great part of the season for sure and as it could be different if Shacks were there at full throttle. They were not.
Comes to mind Riis while confessing his own doping past saying something like: "... I won the Tour 96 fair and square..."
But on another hand, recent Landis interview now decently put to/by Kimmage, is a nice move. Puts a number of issues we all knew over the table and so world can trace a decent “higienzation” plan for the whole system.
The way it has been put up to now (half trues), the whole thing would not even have a chance to be worked out and may be now it does.
Still I think it has no solution for the doping thing, but the supposed corruption on the governing bodies should have a solution, cannot exist and is a lot easier to erase almost completely. Big corporations also meet corruption some times and combat it with Corporate governance (from simple behaviour rules of its colaborator to independent audit).
Doping will continue but sneak through it on a bribing system what in many cases forces non dopers to dope just to be in competition, would not happen or at least happen a lot less.
It gives me the impression that corruption feeds more the doping chain than riders desire to dope itself. The champions would not dope if system was clean. Lance, Hamilton, Landis, Contador would be champions with or without dope. Dopers would be the back guys trying to survive the pace or the mid pace guys pretending to be champions (first comes to mind is Virenque but many others also).
If now it is true, Landis and many others we like, even LA himself are more victims of the systems than propellers of it.
I think we knew that but now it is on the table more guys raising the flag will enforce corruption erradication/combat.
I still support the good riders, including Lance whatever is the true but the corruption must be erased.
Lets see.
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