Friedman em Israel

Não perca a coluna do Thomas Friedman no New York Times de hj. Friedman estava em Tel-Aviv na terça e testemunhou o atendimento às vítimas do atentado perto da base militar de Tsrifin...

Nurit Betzer, a 20-year-old Israeli medic who had worked five previous suicide attacks, told me that her commander had just lectured their unit about the importance of keeping boots polished. When she arrived on this scene, she said, "I saw this soldier, and he was dying, (but what I noticed was that) his shoes were clean and neat." And then she started to weep. She was one of the few, though. Most others were gripped with routine. "We will have this whole area cleaned up in two hours," said the police spokesman. "By morning, the bus stop will be repaired. You will never know this happened."

... e usa a cena como gancho para descrever o clima da população de Israel, já acostumada com a violência.

The radios used to stop playing upbeat music after a bombing; now they don't hesitate. I have an Israeli friend who constantly worries about suicide bombers. But when I asked her to ask her teenage daughter, Tali Weiss, whether she felt angry about them, her daughter snapped back at her mom, "I'm angry that you don't let me go out" after a bombing.

Friedman diz tb que a posição forte de Israel neste momento é uma oportunidade de tentar algo diferente para conseguir a paz na região.

Efraim Halevy, Israel's former Mossad chief who just quit as a Sharon adviser, said to me: "For there to be a chance for Israeli-Palestinian coexistence, the Palestinians will have to get their act together. For them to get their act together, Israel will have to invest heavily in them "without any guarantee of success." Once Palestinians get their act together, he added, they will have to do the same, vis-à-vis Israel.

A Palestinian pollster, Khalil Shikaki, puts it this way: "Sharon wants Palestinians to take the ultimate risk "a civil war" without promise of the ultimate reward": removal of settlements and concrete steps toward statehood. It won't happen.

Vamos lá seu Sharon... Chega, né?


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