Detalhes sobre a resistência iraquiana

A segunda parte do artigo do Pepe Escobar no Asia Times que comentei ontem tb merece ser lida. O jornalista detalha as intenções e poderio militar de várias facções, inclusive dentro do conselho de governo iraquiano.

A recent peaceful mass demonstration in the south-central city of Hilla brought down the local "collaborator" governor. People were shouting: "Free elections now!" Sources in Baghdad tell Asia Times Online that avalanches of people are just waiting for June 2004 to see what kind of government the Americans will allow, and if they are not satisfied, then they will join the resistance. But there are also many people - Sunni and Shi'ite - who fear that some Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) members may turn violent, afraid of losing power. Rival Kurdish chieftains Jalal Talabani and Masoud Barzani - both on the IGC - keep their strong peshmerga private armies. Chalabi has his own CIA-trained army, complete with American weapons. According to new Iraqi policemen who defected to Amman, Jordan, the bulk of the new Iraqi police is also inclined to join the resistance.

The increasingly sophisticated attacks in the Sunni triangle are being coordinated by the Committee of the Faith. They are Sunni, and most of all, they are Wahhabi - and they had the freedom to proselytize and act even under Saddam. As the relentless mukawama will expose day by day the fallacy of the Anglo-American mantra - according to which the attacks are perpetrated by "remnants of Saddam's regime" - expect from Washington another change in the screenplay: the blame will shift to "foreign" al-Qaeda or "Syrian-backed terrorists".


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