
O Kofi Annan admite uma investigação independente das possíveis sacanagens da ordem de U$ 10 bilhões no programa "Oil for Food" (veja BBC e nationalreview.com) na época do Saddam. Veja a coletiva no site da ONU.

Q: Mr. Secretary-General, with regards to the recent GAO report that puts the level of corruption in the oil-for-food programme at $10 billion, could you update us as to the scope and the findings of the OIOS investigation?

SG: We are investigating, we are going to investigate. As you've gathered, I've been in discussions with Council members for some time now to discuss the scope and the extent of the investigation. I think we will need to have an independent investigation, an investigation that can be as broad as possible to look into all these allegations which are being made and get to the bottom of this. Because I don't think we need to have our reputation impuned. It is highly possible that there've been quite a lot of wrong-doing, but we need to investigate and get to see who was responsible. And given the nature of the operation which involves so many companies, so many countries, we will need quite a lot. Whoever undertakes the investigation would need quite a bit of cooperation from others. But at least, we will go ahead full-speed on our own staff, and hopefully, it can be expanded to other areas.

Pode até ser um complõ para diminuir a credibilidade da ONU ou derrubar o Annan... Interesses para isso não faltam... Mas, será que depois da aura de honestidade do PT ter ido para a lama, teremos que lidar com mais essa decepção?

Será que é impossível juntar seres humanos para fazer algo complicado sem que o grupo apele para o caminho mais fácil ou egoísta em detrimento da ética?


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