Irã, Iraque e Sadr

O assassinato do diplomata iraniano, Khalil Naimi, enviado para negociar com o Sadr gera uma curiosidade inevitável: por que um membro do eixo do mal estaria ajudando os EUA a estabilizar o Iraque? O Asia Times cita o editor de internacional do Liberation para explicar a delicada posição do Irã nessa confusão.

Jean Pierre Perrin, chief of the foreign desk at the leftist French paper Liberation and a former correspondent of the French news agency AFP in Tehran, commented: "Iran's main adversary is not Washington but the two traditional enemies of the Iranian political Shi'ism: the exacerbated Arabian nationalism that carried to Iran the hardest strokes under Saddam Hussein and the imported Islam Wahhabite of Saudi Arabia that always sees in Shi'ism a 'plot of the Jewish on the one hand and the other groups that are currently engaged against the Americans in the Sunnite regions of Iraq'."

Mesmo ajudando os EUA, o Irã internamente continua com o discurso de membro do eixo do mal.

Tehran's attempts to help the US out of its troubles in Iraq (even if for self-serving reasons) have not dulled the rhetoric coming out of Tehran. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leader of Iran, told the country's state-run, conservative-controlled television: "The United States accuses other countries of intervening in Iraq and of inciting the Iraqis, but it is very clear that the crimes of the occupation and their insulting behavior with regard to the young and the women are at the origin of the reaction of the Iraqis, Shi'ite or Sunni."

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