Investimentos no mundo Open Source

A BusinessWeek tá com um especial sobre o mundo Open Source. Vale dar uma olhada no artigo sobre a grana que VCs estão enfiando em empresas que produzem código aberto.

Aparentemente, o termo "Open Source" está cada vez mais presente nos powerpoints da vida...

BUZZ WORD. A gold-rush mentality is developing in open source. Many venture capitalists are so eager to find the next hot vehicle, they're going so far as to scour Web sites that coordinate ongoing open-source projects, looking for anything that promises to blossom into a business.

Entrepreneurs are every bit as eager. The words "open source" are finding their way into pitches and PowerPoint presentations around the world. After Nick Sturiale, partner at Sevin Rosen Funds, invested in open-source startup XenSource, which makes software to manage efficient use of computing power, more than 30 entrepreneurs came to pitch him open-source ideas.

A revista recomenda cautela... e traz "dicas" do VC Danny Rimer...

So what are those criteria?
I call them the three Cs. These are necessary from the onset to make it an attractive story. The first is community. There has to be a huge amount of interest in it. [MySQL, Zend, and TrollTech] were already incredibly popular [when we invested]. The community is your marketing and evangelism arm. They're going to contribute and make sure this piece of software truly becomes mainstream.

The second C is commodity. Open-source companies absolutely can't have a new, innovative technology. They have to be smarter approaches to existing technology. They have to be [technologies] that developers and buyers already understand.

In the case of MySQL, because of Oracle [ORCL], everyone already knew the relational database. Open source is about coming up with an alternative that's cheaper, not going after a new area.

The third C is price cushion. There has to be a big enough difference between what proprietary vendors are charging and open source is charging, so that over time open-source companies can charge more and still have enough of a price cushion to make it interesting for customers.

Those three qualities are what help us evaluate companies. We've made four investments and looked at three dozen.


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