Alguns blogs do Oriente Médio: Líbano, Egito e Afeganistão
Tava olhando este comentário no BuzzMachine (não muito interessante) sobre essa reportagem da newsweek (tb pouco interessante) a respeito da falta de diversidade racial e sexual no mundo dos blogs.
Não destacaria essa discussão, mas no final da lenga-lenga na nota do BuzzMachine tem uns links bacanas de blogs feitos por um pessoal do Oriente Médio em inglês:
Hello From the land of the Pharaohs Egypt: Bem escrito. Traz criticas à imprensa e ao governo do Mubarak e algumas observações interessantes sobre o fundamentalismo islâmico.
You Forgot Qatar Mr. Bin Laden!
Not long time ago, Al Qaedaà€™s branch in the Arabian peninsula threatened that they will attack Kuwait if it didnà€™t kick US troops there out. When I heard the news I thought: ummmm, interesting, but what about Qatar? Why didnà€™t Al Qaeda extend its threat to Qatar as well? After all, it hosts the largest US military base in the region, the center command from where the Iraq war was carried out. The US base in Qatar is the actual backbone or nervous system of the entire US army in the region. Why wasnà€™t the tiny island on Al-Qaedaà€™s hit list?
A explicação dele é a Al-Jazzera... Pq? Melhor ler os atgumentos dele. Esse vale acompanhar.
The Angry Arab News Service: Mais opinativo e veemente. São notinhas curtas, a maioria com uma linha e um links como esta:
"Bush Sees Hezbollah in Politics" (Angry Arab Sees Bush in Sports)
Ou observações irônicas:
PAUL WOLFOWITZ to head the World Bank. Will he promise to bomb all poor countries to end poverty? Will he promise that the Iraq war will eventually spread prosperity on earth? Will he demand that poor countries praise Israeli oppression of the Palestinians in return for aid? Next appointment: Bush to head the Physics Department at MIT. And Aschcroft to head the National Organization for Women. Rumsfeld will head Greenpeace.
Gostei do estilo.
...Or Does It Explode? Awakening a Civil Rights Movement in the Middle East: Libanês com um jeitão mais intelectual. O texto é mais literário tem a preocupação de explicar tb aspectos culturais, além de juntar denúncias de abusos aos direitos civis, como diz o slogan do site.
A Little Explosion for Tchahar Shanbe Souri
Iran...Maybe it sags like a heavy load?
Or does it explode?
So ends Langston Hughes's 1951 poem on "A Dream Deferred." For the past few years, the blasts of suicide bombers have most prominently expressed the fate of the Middle East's dream deferred. But tonight in Iran, we see a slightly different spark, more of a burst than a blast.
Tchar Shanbe Souri ("The Festival of Fire") is an old holiday for Zoroastrians, who predominated in Iran before the Muslim invasion 13 centuries ago. Tonight, the Islamic Republic tried to suppress public celebrations of the old "pagan" rite, apparently using tear gas and sending out their Bastij thugs to beat up Iranian youth out to have a good time.
Yet, appropriately, Tchar Shabe Souri is an ancient festival of purification, a time for warding off evil spirits. And so Iranian youth are out in the streets defiantly calling for a modern purification - an end to repression at the hands of the aging clerics who dominate a country that is 70% under the age of 30
Rampurple: feito por uma libanesa que mora no Kuwait. Como todos os blogs libaneses é anti-síria, mas essa moça é mais elegante. Tem umas fotos bacanas das manisfestações no Líbano, imagens satiricas e algumas sacadas sobre outros assuntos como:
Iranian Female Cops
I just visited Al Balad to check out the picture they have of yesterday's human flag. Not only was I suprised to see that there were 11800 people instead of the 10800 people I expected, but right under the image of the human flag, something caught my attention....
Women, dressed in abayas, climbing up (or down?) a building using a rope. I looked closely to see they were armed.... I read the headline underneath it Iranian Female Cops. So let me get this straight....... Iran, a Islamic Extremist country have women as cops (even though they are all covered up) and the women in Kuwait cannot vote??
BTW, vi uma reportagem na BBC sobre a formatura das policiais iranianas... é estranho mesmo ver mulheres vestidas com aquelas roupas negras excessivamente largas para qq atividade física descendo de rapel uma parede de concreto carregando metralhadoras e depois demonstrando que sabem berrar "mão na cabeça, mané!".
Afghan Warrior: feito por um sujeito que está trabalhando como tradutor para o exército americano. Não traz muitas opiniões, mas há noticias locais que não sairiam em outros lugares. Tá começando agora.. vamo ver se dura. Além das desgraças diárias tem coisas bacaninhas como esta:
"Women's fitness club in Kabul
The country's first fitness club for women started 2 months ago with the participation of a dozen women. It has already logged some success. Women from different ages exercise at this club, especially those women who have difficulty with mobility because of their weight. Most women are happy for the positive changes in their bodies in two months.
Nima, the head of the club, who also carried the Afghanistan flag at the Athen's Olympics, said in an interview "I am keen to solve the problems of the women". During her tours abroad as an athlete she collected various sports and exercise equipment now in use at the club.
Women can now exercise in a safe place wearing blouse pants and sports shoes. The club administration said due to demand she would establish clubs in other areas of the capital if she can find suitable premises."
Duvido que ele um dia fale mal dos patrões dele, mas é pelo menos uma voz no afeganistão.
The Lebanese bloggers: Blog coletivo bem anti-siria... tem um jeito meio sensacionalista... tá dando atenção a boatos de um golpe de estado na Siria:
"A Coup d' Etat took place in Damascus late last night (March/15/05). Intelligence reports coming from within the Syrian Military Command indicate the following:
A rebellion split The Syrian Army in two factions..."
You can read further on by clicking on the title. What do you think about this information? And even if I called my family to inquire about the truth of this matter, do you think that they would even want to talk about it over the phone?
There is even more intelligence information on Hariri's assassination attempt and cover-up.
Se esses não forem suficientes... rolam tb esses dois libaneses: The Lebanese Code e Renatoobeidsworld.
Há um tempo linkei uns blogs iranianos nesta nota.
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