Sy Hersh e os planos para atacar o Irã

O Irã anuciou hj q já conseguiu enriquecer urânio para uso em usinas nucleares, infoma a Reuters

"I am proud to announce that we have started enriching uranium to the 3.5 percent level," Gholamreza Aghazadeh said in a televised address, adding that the pilot enrichment plant in Natanz, south of Tehran, had started working on Monday.

Vale ler a reportagem na New Yorker do meu herói do jornalismo, Sy Hersh, que obrigou o baby Bush negar publicamente os preparativos para atacar o Irã com armas nucleares.

Ontem a BBCWorld conversou com Hersh. A entrevistadora insistiu na possibilidade de tudo ser blefe do governo americano para pressionar os aitolás e o Ahmadinejad nas negociações

Hersh garantiu que há uma preocupação genuína das fontes dele com a seriedade messiânica da turma do baby Bush... Ou seja, tem gente importante acreditado que pode rolar um ataque ao Irã mesmo.


O Sy Hersh foi o entrevistado desta quarta-feira (12/04/2006) no Democracy Now!.

Hersh comenta o anúncio iraniano e a reação do governo americano...

And so, what he's doing by embellishing -- and this is my guess, my sort of heuristic guess, because I don't know, but what I think he's doing, heà€™s basically playing chicken, like in the old James Dean movie, the two cars going at each other at high speed. He's playing chicken with the President of the United States. So that's what we're into. Weà€™ve got the President of the United States, whoà€™s been making -- Bush, as you know, and Cheney have been making an awful lot of bellicose statements in the last couple months, saying that theyà€™ll rule out no option, which obviously is a nuclear suggestion, also making declarations about red lines and where Iran can or cannot go. So the bellicosity of the United States is now being matched by the bellicosity of the Iranian president. I mean, great way to run a world.

...critica a falta de vontade de dialogar da turma do baby Bush

Bush doesn't talk to people he's mad at. He doesn't talk to the North Koreans. He didn't talk to the insurgency. When the history is done, there were incredible efforts by the insurgency leaders in the summer of 2003. Ià€™m talking about the Iraqi insurgency, the former Sunni generals and Sunni and Baathist leaders who were happy to see Saddam go, but did not want America there. They wanted to talk to us. Bush wouldn't. Whether it got to Bush, I donà€™t know, it got in to four stars. Nobody wanted to talk to them. He doesn't talk to the president of Syria; in fact, specifically rejects overtures from al-Asad to us. And he doesn't talk to the Iranians. There's been no bilateral communication at all.

Iran has come hat-in-hand to us. A former National Security Council adviser who worked in the White House, Flynt Leverett, an ex-C.I.A. analyst who's now working at Brookings, wrote a piece a month or so ago, maybe six weeks ago, in the New York Times, describing specific offers by the Iranians to come and à€˜let's deal.à€™ Let's deal on all issues. Ià€™m even told they were willing to talk about recognizing Israel. And the White House doesn't talk. And it's not that he doesn't talk, it's that nobody pressures him to talk. There's no pressure from the media, no pressure from Congress. Here's a president who won't talk to people he's walking us into a confrontation with.

... e volta a destacar a falta de realidade dos discursos e outros esforços para distorcer a realidade do governo americano.

Well, he gave a speech at Johns Hopkins on Monday, that's one of his more remarkable speeches, not only because of his manner, which was a funny affectation -- he was hopping around, almost jocular. Forget what he said about me. It's what he said about Iraq that was very troubling to me. He once again said there's great progress, this is a wonderful thing weà€™re doing, Ià€™m proud that we're doing it, we're bringing democracy. I have it in front of me, because I always carry it around. He said -- he compared this -- à€˜This is an ideological struggle we're having with Iran that equates the best part of the Cold War, when we defeated the Russians.à€™ He's once again comparing this to the Cold War. He's once again saying that things are wonderful, that it's a noble enterprise. à€˜Does anybody there read the newspapers?à€™ is what I wonder.

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