Lance's Comeback - written 09/09/2005
Yes I would love to see Lance back.
I don't give anything regarding one idol retiring unbeaten or not.
Lance is probably the greatest champion I will see in action and I really don't mind to see him for a couple of years more, winning or not the Tour, the Vuelta or the Giro.
I fully enjoy the possibility of him making another crack in the season openers (just read a 95 magazine and the question was: "why does Motorola keeps Lance out of Paris-Roubaix?" ).
Yes Flanders, Roubaix, Amstel, LBL, and San Sebastian (one more) would be races that he needs to put right if not all, some of them. An hour record is in his legs still probably as well, and a high placing in any of the three major tours (top place or not, don't mind, he will be always a factor).
Look at the great Agassi. Who is not at least a little concerned to see Agassi in the other side of the tennis court? Ask who was watching the US Open yesterday.
Who would disregard that Lance is in a race with his team at full power. This is enough for our fun!!!
Lance has no obligation to win anything, but to have fun, riding his bike, winning or not, with his natural anger to turn the pedals (what I bet he has even when in a club ride) and give us some fun.
Ulrich did not win any major tour recently but who does not enjoy or support him when he is turning those pedals? Who does not enjoy to see King Kelly around in any local race having fun, or the great Eddy showing what he is able to do at 60 (still turning the big chainring with anger as I saw recently)?
Yes Lance could ride the Giro and Vuelta which are in fact more beautiful scenery and he would attract a respectable field to both for sure.
Comeback Lance! And ride until you loose the pleasure to turn those pedals, because we ride for fun, and we try to win for fun.
Paulo Pereira
Sao Paulo - Brasil
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qui, 03/05/2007 - 10:44
Sei lá... se eu fosse americano não correria mais o Tour... Os franceses não vão aceitar de jeito nenhum outra vitória americana.
Mas o Lance deveria tentar ganhar um Giro ou uma Vuelta sim... Só para mostrar que é capaz.
Entretanto, acho q o cara já perdeu a paciencia. Ciclismo não é futebol... não dá para ficar plantado na grande área e esperar a bola para fazer gol.
Não dá para ser vagabundo...; não importa a qualidade da sua equipe.
Acho q o Lance se aposentou na hora certa. Virou lenda... não do tamanho do Eddy Mercx... mas algo do tamanho de um Lendl em relação ao Borg... Já tá mais do que bom.
Melhor esperar aparecer outro herói... de preferencia um herói disposto a correr o ano todo... inclusive as clássicas.
Cogito ergo doleo