Massacre em Fallujah

O Democracy Now! juntou testemunhos de jornalistas e de algumas vítimas civis do exército americano em Falujah. o cerco que já matou 600 pessoas, feriu mil e criou 60 mil refugiados foi calssificado de massacre. Não deixe de ouvir a reportagem feita pelo correspondente da Free Speech Radio News, Aaron Glantz, contando histórias de senhoras de 70 anos atingidas por franco-atiradores americanos postados nos topos dos prédios e pontes durante o cessar-fogo e outras coisas que deveriam revirar o estõmago de gente civilizada.

AARON GLANTZ: Julia Guest describes one of those shot during the cease-fire.

JULIA GUEST: When I arrived, I found a woman who I think was in her 70's who had decided to try to help her sons get out of the city. They decided to leave the family group, and so she just had taken the decision to walk of the front door waving a white flag, because they knew they were in a heavily -- there was a lot of shooting in their area. And she was shot in the stomach and the foot. So, I found her in the hospital with one of her sons in quite a state and she was evacuated in a small van that volunteered to come out from Baghdad and picked her up and took her back to Baghdad.

JULIA GUEST: Now, it has blue sirens. It was donated from the Kingdom of Spain. It was clearly an ambulance. It's carrying oxygen bottles. The damage to the ambulance was such that two of the wheels were off of it now. They were left without an ambulance after that. There are bullet holes in the side of the ambulance from the second shooting, and other bits and pieces you see small bullet holes all over the place. (tape end)

IBRAHIM HASSEN: I went to the market to bring food for the kids because we were running out of food. They announced in the mosques there is some food, so we should come and get it. When I went out to the mosque to bring food for the people who didn't have it, it was between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning. The Americans told us we could go out from 6:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon but is was a big lie. At any time, they're ready to shoot. The bridge was at my back. It was about 300 yards from the bridge. I felt the gunshot above my head. I was a civilian man. There were a lot of children around, including my children. When I entered the road, they shod us with explosive dumb-dumb bullets. I was wounded below my collar bone and in my head and then my stomach.

AARON GLANTZ: Al-Jazeera senior producer, Samir Khader. I spoke with him in Baghdad.

SAMIR KHADER: The response -- the American response to Al-Jazeera coverage is simple, they don't want any witness. They want to do their job behind the scenes, without the world knowing what's going on. They wanted to take over Fallujah the American way, harshly, militarily, using all of the forces at their disposal, and that's it.

Não dá para conquistar corações e mentes com um bando de milicos covardes que não se sacrificam para poupar a vida de um civil. Odeio gente que usa as palavras honra e coragem e mata crianças e velhos.


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