Ladrões roubam a Mercedes S-class... e o dedo do proprietário
Bandidos da Malásia arrancaram o dedo do contador K Kumaran para levar a Mercedes S-class dele. O carro tinha um sistema anti-roubo biométrico que só dava a partida depois de checada a impressão digital do motorista. Veja BBC.
The attackers forced Mr Kumaran to put his finger on the security panel to start the vehicle, bundled him into the back seat and drove off.
But having stripped the car, the thieves became frustrated when they wanted to restart it. They found they again could not bypass the immobiliser, which needs the owner's fingerprint to disarm it.
They stripped Mr Kumaran naked and left him by the side of the road - but not before cutting off the end of his index finger with a machete.
O Register comenta a eficiência dos dispositivos que usam partes do corpo do proprietário para restringir acesso a recursos...
They slow thieves up a tad, many people will find them more convenient than passwords or pin numbers, and as they're apparently 'cutting edge' and biometric technology is allegedly 'foolproof', they allow their owners to swank around in a false aura of high tech. Get the secured object on its own for a little while and you can usually chop the security off fairly easily, but as the evidence now shows the more determined and impatient class of thief might just chop off your finger as a temporary measure.
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