Alo GNT: três documentários interessantes para vcs comprarem
Três documentários interessantes estão rolando por aí... Espero que um dia baixem aqui. O primeiro filme, Moog, conta a história do primeiro sintetizador é dirigido por Hans Fjellestad, comentado na Wired...
"You created the whole alien alphabet," Money Mark, aka the fourth Beastie Boy, tells Moog in the movie. But the Moog made much more than galactic beeps and screeches. Moog can take some credit for the drum machine, the electronic bass line and a nearly infinite catalog of sonic effects.
Outro sobre a história das BBS, BBS Documentary, feito por Jason Scott (do
Four years, thousands of miles of travelling, and over 200 interviews later, "BBS: The Documentary", a mini-series of 8 episodes about the history of the BBS, is now available. Spanning 3 DVDs and totalling five and a half hours, this documentary is actually eight documentaries about different aspects of this important story in the annals of computer history.
* Baud introduces the story of the beginning of the BBS, including interviews with Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, who used a snowstorm as an inspiration to change the world.
* Sysops and Users introduces the stories of the people who used BBSes, and lets them tell their own stories of living in this new world.
* Make it Pay covers the BBS industry that rose in the 1980's and grew to fantastic heights before disappearing almost overnight.
* Fidonet covers the largest volunteer-run computer network in history, and the people who made it a joy and a political nightmare.
* Artscene tells the rarely-heard history of the ANSI Art Scene that thrived in the BBS world, where art was currency and battles waged over nothing more than pure talent.
* HPAC (Hacking Phreaking Anarchy Cracking) hears from some of the users of "underground" BBSes and their unique view of the world of information and computers.
* Compression tells the story of the PKWARE/SEA legal battle of the late 1980s and how a fight that broke out over something as simple as data compression resulted in waylaid lives and lost opportunity.
* No Carrier wishes a fond farewell to the dial-up BBS and its integration into the Internet.
E o terceiro, mais político, WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price, do mesmo diretor do Outfoxed e UNCOVERED: The War on Iraq, Robert Greenwald. Veja a reportagem do New York Times.
Mr. Greenwald did this successfully with his documentary "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War," for which the Center for American Progress, a Democratic research group, held press screenings in Washington, and which advertised on its Web site for $29.95. This time, he has aligned with church groups, including the United Church of Christ, which is concentrated in the Northeast, Midwest and West; with the Petroleum Marketers Association of America, a trade group of gas station and convenience store operators; and with the National Education Association. Each for its own reasons had already set its sights on Wal-Mart, but now they are planning to screen Mr. Greenwald's movie in church sanctuaries, at school teach-ins and in the living rooms of small-business owners.
Mesmo que vc não se interesse pela "questão Wal-Mart" (globalização com preços baixos, salários baixos, ausência de benefícios trabalhistas e destruição do comércio local), vale a pena dar uma sacada como o Greenwald está produzindo e distribuindo o filme... é um dos modelos interessantes para produzir cinema independente.
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