Deep Light: TV 3D sem aqueles óculos ridículos

O New York Times traz uma reportagem sobre um dos protótipos de televisão em terceira dimensão em desenvolvimento batizado de Deep Light. O aparelho é capaz de transmitir "lâminas" de imagens para cada ponto de vista.

Ou seja, além de poder transmitir uma imagem diferente para cada olho para gerar o efeito 3D a TV pode tb transmitir programas diferentes para pessoas sentadas em cada canto da sala.

Ordinary TV sets deliver 500 lines of resolution. Most high-definition screens reach 1,050. The HD3D hits 1,280 lines and counting - which means better picture quality than that of any TV available today, all in a convincing impression of the third dimension. And here's the seriously trippy part about the new screen, which Deep Light plans to introduce at next winter's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas: multiple "blades" of video enable one screen to show different programs to different viewers, at the same time.

Imagine what that could do to your living room. Your kid sprawls on the floor, happily splattering the virtual walls of Quake 3-D, while you sit on the couch watching the news and your spouse beside you talks with friends in a virtual chat room - all on the same TV, all at the same time, and all in 3-D. Lean a few feet to the right and the latest report from the floor of the stock exchange becomes a live 3-D chat with the couple who came over to dinner the other night; lean the other way and Junior is blasting a zombie. And something similar is going on over at the neighbor's. And halfway around the world.

O jornal americano conta q há várias iniciativas pelo mundo em busca TV estereoscópica...

But the ever-evolving high-tech revolution is finally moving 3-D entertainment to the next stage. Sharp has sold three million 3-D cell phones in Japan since 2003 and has just released a laptop that toggles between 2-D and 3-D views. The South Korean government, meanwhile, recently announced an ambitious "3-D Vision 2010" project to make stereoscopic TV the worldwide standard within five years, and a number of companies are racing Deep Light to build the pieces of that puzzle; just in April, Toshiba announced new display technology for 3-D television screens. "The whole realm of TV," says Chris Chinnock, the president of the market research firm Insight Media, "is the Holy Grail of 3-D."

... e que há gente transformando conteúdo 2D para 3D. IMHO, o futuro dessa tecnologia não está em um conteúdo igual ao da TV como conhecemos, hj... como questiona o New York Times...

"Jurassic Park in 3D?" Mr. Mapes yells. "It's mind-blowing! Martial arts in 3-D are so good! Porn in 3-D? Oh my God ..."

Do we really need porn in 3-D? Will "Casablanca" be a better film when we can reach out and touch Ingrid Bergman? Will sitcoms be funnier and dramas more engrossing when writers create stories that move not only up/down and right/left but also in/out?

Narrativas podem estar em livros, no rádio e em filmes... o que importa é uma boa história capaz de despertar empatia... 3D é apenas uma perfumaria... talvez algumas transmissões esportivas, como Formula 1.

IMHO, a real utilidade dessa coisa é nos videogames... monstros assassinos em 3D passando do seu lado, lutas de box em primeira pessoa, etc.


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