Processo Google Print, Susan Sontag e Machado de Assis

O Google está sendo processado pelo Authors Guild por causa do Google Print, a iniciativa de digitalizar e indexar os livros das bibliotecas públicas americanas. Os escritores dizem que é violação de copyright. O advogado do bem, Laurence Lessig, discorda. O autor de Free Culture e pai da Creative Commons diz que os escritores querem ser pagos pela inovação criada por outras pessoas.

It is 1976 all over again. Then, like now, content owners turned to the courts to stop an extraordinary new technology. Then, like now, copyright is the weapon of choice. But then, like now, the content owners of course donà€™t really want the court to stop the new technology. Then, like now, they simply want to be paid for the innovations of someone else. Then, like now, the content owners ought to lose.

This is the best case to illustrate the story I told at the start of Free Culture. Property law since time immemorial had held that your land reached from the ground to the heavens. Then airplanes were invented à€” a technology oblivious to this ancient law. A couple of farmers sued to enforce their ancient rights à€” insisting airplanes canà€™t fly over land without their permission. And thus the Supreme Court had to decide whether this ancient law à€” much older than the law of copyright à€” should prevail over this new technology.

Outra personalidade influente, o editor Tim O'Reilly tb defende no a iniciativa do Google.

That's precisely why Google's opt-out position is exactly the right one. If we were to wait for publishers to opt in, only current, in print works would get into the index. With opt out, the interests of the public, the authors, and the publishers are all protected. The public gets an amazing utility, the ability to find which books contain the desired information as easily as they can now find web content; readers, authors and publishers all get a windfall as search helps people find books that are currently completely ignored by both publishers and retailers. And if some forgotten gem gets discovered, and the copyright holder isn't convinced that Google Print's revelation of the book is enough reason to keep it in the index, and they want to monetize it in some other way, they can opt out! What more can you ask for?

Veja, por exemplo, como aparece o Budapest, o último livro do Chico Buarque.

Se eu tivesse algum livro publicado faria um esforço para aparecer no Google Print... do mesmo modo que faço força para este site aparecer nas buscas normais...

Escrevo coisas para serem lidas. Quanto mais gente ler mais eu fico feliz.

Além disso, não é fantástico descobrir, por exemplo, o comentário da Susan Sontag sobre Machado de Assis que aparece no
Susan Sontag: An Annotated Bibliography, 1948-1992


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