Aircraft accident in Brasil - Joe Sharkey's

I've been reading Mr. Joe Sharkey statements on american press and am amazed with his ignorance, arrogance and classic example of what US has of worst.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an absolut fan of american people will and determination, productivity and a number of qualities.

I have a quite strong background with american way of doing things, being working with them, and have great friends, american friends, some of them among my top list to be frank.

I do reckon Brasil's limitation, current downgraded level of politicians (not that different from others, but anyway), emotional way of doing things many times and general lack of collective mindset often mixed and messed with a futile (" brazileiro é um povo hospitaleiro", meaning that brazilian people are good hosts due our frequent good mood probably).

All bull shit, I agree. I'm brazilian and love my country enough to try to understand where are the improvement areas.

But you Mr. Sharkey, is a complete exemple of what the great US Nation and its people have of worst, both, professionaly and personally.

The facts who enable me to put your seniority, Mr. Sharkey, your personal descency, and professional accuracy in jeopardy are very simple and straighforward.

1- none of the brazilian authorities, aircraft specialists (a country with air specialization enough to built the aircraft you were flying in), have stated any conclusion or indication of guilty for the two of the Legacy pilots. NONE

2- the only fragaments of guilty on them we heard or read up to now are in what is called here the "brown press", both TV, and print. By the way the same category I now confortably put you in

3- you, a "brown" journalist, have ZERO, competencies to make any technical statement on the subject, both for lack of knowledge, and for lack of proof as even the boeing's black boxes were not all found and have recuperated data. If it had already been concluded the tech investigation, you, eventually with a lot of study with competent authorities could raise a modest comment, instead of the arrogant and ignorant ones you've been doing

4 - you are so ignorant, that you are stating that the pilots are under risk in Brasil. Risk of what? Of being hosted by and very descent Air Force base in the north of the country, or being in a 4 star hotel in the country's capital, or being asked to stay and help us to clarify the situation (radar failure, radar control failure or their own failure)? Clearly they have the risk as they may be descent people, to have years of guilty on their back and wake up every night for the rest of their lives for being part of an accident, guilty, partialy guilty, or non guilty, that killed 155 people and hurt pretty badly 155 families, most brazilian but eventually some foreign (did not check and it is not important anyway, as Brasil is not in war with the whole world and we don't want any one to die for such reason in any part of the earth).

5- so ignorant that you did not realize that you are just showing to the whole world that you are a journalist, ops a "brown "journalist on the winter of your career trying to capture some exposure and everyone with a brain (not the ignorants like you) have noticed that.

Go sleep Mr. Sharkey



Fez a defesa porque é brasileiro. O brasil é tudo que ele disse com certeza, mas o problema esta em ouvir isso de um gringo. É como ter um vizinho rico que critica sua casa caindo os pedaços.

concordo em tudo com você. Parece até que ele está trabalhando pros (ou sob orientação dos) advogados de defesa, talvez tentando construir uma tese de defesa...


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