OpenCourseWare: onde encontrar comunidades de aprendizado

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2. Fostering MIT OCW Learning Communities
Since the MIT OCW pilot site opened to the public in September 2002, we have discovered that several learning communities have sprung up around certain MIT OCW courses. Some of learning communities are simply a few friends who gather to read through MIT's course materials, or test each other on the content provided by MIT OCW. But others have taken on a more focused approach to utilizing the materials presented on the MIT OCW site, much to the delight of MIT's faculty and staff.

Listed below are some learning communities that we are aware of. MIT OCW does not coordinate or manage these groups, but we encourage users of MIT OCW course materials to check them out:

MIT OpenCourseWare on Yahoo
The purpose of this list, founded shortly after MIT OCW was first announced in April 2001, is to discuss MIT OCW and consider its implications more broadly and deeply. The group boasts 64 members and 650 messages have been posted since it was created on April 7, 2001.

MIT OpenCourseWare on MSN
A group created to discuss MIT OCW, and other issues surrounding openness and sharing of information on the Web.

Course 1.00 - Introduction
to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving This course, published as part of the MIT OCW pilot on September 30, 2002, was one of the first to have a discussion group spring up
around its material.

Course 21L.002-2
- Foundations of Western Culture II: Renaissance to Modernity Discussion based on the "Topics for Discussion" as presented in the "Assignments" listed for Course 21L.002-2. This group was created by a self-learner to engage other learners in a discussion about the
course material.

Course CMS.930 - Media, Education, and the Marketplace
A group that discusses "Media, Education, and the Marketplace," an offering of MIT's Comparative Media Studies Program. Users are encouraged to utilize the Web to communicate with other MIT OCW users. If you let us know about your group, we will publicize it in upcoming edition of the "MIT OpenCourseWare Update".


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Não há censura de opinião nos comentários, mas o vc é o responsável pelo que escrever. Ou seja, aqui vale o Yoyow (You Own Your Own Words).

Lembre-se: Opinião é diferente de informação.

Informações sem fonte ou que não puderem ser checadas facilmente podem ser deletadas.

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Respeite as regras básicas Netiqueta.

Grosserias desacompanhadas de conteúdo, coisas off-topic e exagero nas gírias ou leet que dificultem o entendimento de não-iniciados tb não serão toleradas aqui.

Vou apagar sumariamente todos os comentários escritos inteiramente CAIXA ALTA, mensagens repetidas e textos que atrapalhem a diagramação do site.

Além de prejudicar, a leitura é falta de educação.

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Obviamente, qq conteúdo ilegal tb será deletado sem discussão.

Evite também mensagens do tipo "me too" (textos apenas concordando com o post anterior sem acrescentar algo à discussão).

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