Eric Raymond: "não precisamos mais da GPL"

O author de "Cathedral and the Bazaar" e "teórico" do Open Source, Eric Raymond, comenta o discurso que fez no FISL (Fórum Internacional de Software Livre) e faz outras observações em uma entrevista bacana para o ONLamp.

Why did you say we don't need the GPL anymore?

It's 2005, not 1985. We've learned a lot in the last 20 years. The fears that originally led to the reciprocity stuff in GPL are nowadays, at least in my opinion, baseless. People who do what the GPL tries to prevent (e.g., closed source forks of open source projects) wind up injuring only themselves. They trap themselves unto competing with a small in-house development group against the much larger one in the parent open source project, and failing.

Entre outros comentários interessantes, Raymond tb diz que aprova o "atalho" usado pela Redhat para não permitir a distribuição livre do RedHat Enterprise (O código pode ser distribuído, mas o nome Redhat não)

It seems that Red Hat is selling its GNU/Linux distribution under a sort of user license that limits the freedom No. 2 provided by the GPL. The short version of the story, as I was told, is that if I buy a CD/DVD with the last Red Hat version and I make an ISO from that and put that online, I'll get sued.

The same thing happens with computer magazines. They cannot include any Red Hat CD because the term Red Hat is a trademark or something like that, and they don't let the magazine use it without permission. And obviously they don't give you that permission. Magazines must use Fedora and never say Red Hat.

Excuse me while I fire up a browser and research this a bit... Ahhh... right, if you republish a RHEL CD in either form, you could get sued for illegal use of the embedded trademarks. I think I just found the user license in question.

So the answer to your question is yes... Red Hat is a demonstration that you can have a profitable business based on entirely GPL code. You may have to play some interesting tricks with trademark law to do it, though. As I understand it now, what Red Hat has done is legally blocked republication of its entire RHEL distribution even though any component part is still GPLed and therefore freely redistributable.

Damn, that's clever and sneaky. I like it. It serves everybody: Red Hat gets a fence around its product, but all the community objectives of open source licensing are still met.

Sei q a maioria do pessoal aqui no br prefere o idealismo do Stallman, mas eu sou a favor do pragmatismo do Raymond...


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