Tom Waits: dicas de discos

O Observer publicou comentários feitos pelo Tom Waits a respeito de 20 discos que ele mais gosta. Do trabalho "erudito" do Frank Zappa em Yellow Shark...

It is his last major work. The ensemble is awe-inspiring. It is a rich pageant of texture in colour. It's the clarity of his perfect madness, and mastery. Frank governs with Elmore James on his left and Stravinsky on his right. Frank reigns and rules with the strangest tools.

...até gravações de "spirituals" do Alan Lomax (o sujeito que "descobriu" gente como Muddy Waters)

"... Record that in 1921, record that now, it's the same sound. The good thing about these is that they're so raw, they're recorded so raw, that it's just like listening to a landscape..."

... passando por coisas dos anos 80 q eu tinha esquecido da existência como os Lounge Lizards.

"They used to accuse John Lurie of doing fake jazz - a lot of posture, a lot of volume. When I first heard it, it was so loud, I wanted to go outside and listen through the door, and it was jazz. And that was an unusual thing, in New York, to go to a club and hear jazz that loud, at the same volume people were listening to punk rock..."

Veja a lista:

In The Wee Small Hours - Frank Sinatra (Capitol) 1955
Solo Monk - Thelonious Monk (Columbia) 1964
Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart (Straight) 1969
Exile On Main St. - Rolling Stones (Rolling Stones Records) 1972
The Sinking of the Titanic - Gavin Bryars (Point Music) 1975
The Basement Tapes - Bob Dylan (Columbia) 1975
Lounge Lizards - Lounge Lizards (EG) 1980
Rum Sodomy and the Lash - The Pogues (Stiff) 1985
I'm Your Man - Leonard Cohen (Columbia) 1988
The Specialty Sessions - Little Richard (Specialty Records) 1989
Startime - James Brown (Polydor) 1991
Bohemian-Moravian Bands - Texas-Czech (Folk Lyric) 1993
The Yellow Shark - Frank Zappa (Barking Pumpkin) 1993
Passion for Opera Aria (EMI Classics) 1994
Rant in E Minor - Bill Hicks (Rykodisc) 1997
Prison Songs: Murderous Home Alan Lomax Collection (Rounder Select) 1997
Cubanos Postizos - Marc Ribot (Atlantic) 1998
Houndog by Houndog (Sony) 1999
Purple Onion - Les Claypool (Prawn Song) 2002
The Delivery Man - Elvis Costello (Mercury) 2004

No Blog do Observer tem mais algumas recomendações do Tom Waits como:

Martinis & Bikinis - Sam Phillips - (Virgin) 1994
Shakinà€™ the Rafters - The Abyssinian Baptist Gospel Choir (Sony) 1960
Screamin' and Hollerin' the Blues - 'The Masked Marvel' Charley Patton (Revonant) 2001
Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music - Ray Charles (ABC Paramount) 1962
Harry Partch Collection Vol 1 (New World Records) 2004
Let The Buyer Beware - Lenny Bruce - Shout! (Factory) 2004
Last Sessions - Leadbelly - (Smithsonian Folkways) 1994
Ompa Til du Dør - Kaizers Orchestra - (Broiler Farm) 2001



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