Artigo do Lula no Guardian
O Guardian publicou um artigo do Lula. O presidente brasileiro, além de comentar o estado da política interna no Brasil, diz que sem justiça social, não há democracia, reclama da "globalização" e defende a intervenção do estado na economia.
The state must also act decisively to carry out its regulatory role in the economy. The loudly proclaimed achievements of globalisation have failed to materialise, made worse by the climate of recession throughout the world. The advice offered by international organisations, and slavishly followed by many, has brought about the deindustrialisation of vast expanses of our planet.
Lula volta a defender tb a solução pacífica de conflitos, multilateralismo, a cadeira brasileira no conselho de segurança e destacou o incremento das relações de países do sul com a criação do G3.
Brazil, the country with the world's second largest black population, has also reinvigorated its ties to Africa and re-engaged with the Arab world. The creation of the G3 group by Brazil, India and South Africa represents a decisive step in strengthening south-south relations, while we have forged a mature relationship with the US and Europe.
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