Bruna Surfistinha e a nossa hipocrisia sexual no New York Times
A Bruna Sufistinha tá no New York Times de hj.
O correspondente Larry Rother faz um resumão da carreira da ex-puta escritora, informa que o livro "Doce Veneno do Escorpião" já vendeu 100 mil cópias e está sendo traduzido para o espanhol. Entretanto, o tema é a nossa hipocrisia sexual...
Bruna dá a deixa...
"I think there's a lot of hypocrisy and a bit of fear involved," she said. "Brazilian women have this sexy image, of being at ease and uninhibited in bed. But anyone who lives here knows that's not true."
... para análises do antropólogo da Universidade de Columbia, Richard Parker...
"Brazil is a country of contradictions, as much in relation to sexuality as anything else," said Richard Parker, a Columbia University anthropologist who is the author of "Bodies, Pleasures and Passions: Sexual Culture in Contemporary Brazil," and has taught and worked here. "There is a certain spirit of transgression in daily life, but there is also a lot of moralism."
... da professora de teologia da PUC do Rio, Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer, e da líder da Daspu, Gabriela Leite...
"This is the fruit of a type of society in which people will do anything to get money, including selling their bodies to be able to buy cellular phones," said Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer, a newspaper columnist and professor of theology at Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro. "We've always had prostitution, but it was a hidden, prohibited thing. Now it's a professional option like anything else, and that's the truly shocking thing."
But Gabriela Silva Leite, a sociologist and former prostitute who now directs a prostitutes' advocacy group, argues that such concerns are exaggerated. "It's not a book like this that is going to stimulate prostitution, but the lack of education and opportunities for women," she said. "I don't think Bruna glamorizes things at all. On the contrary, you can regard the book as a kind of warning, because she talks of the unpleasant atmosphere and all the difficulties she faced."
Até o Roberto da Matta deu a opinião dele...
That a woman is now talking and behaving as Brazilian men often have may also offend some. Roberto da Matta, a leading anthropologist and social commentator, noted that even though role reversals were an important part of Carnival, other areas of Brazilian life, including sexual relationships, could be quite rigid and hierarchical.
Under the system of machismo that prevails in Brazil and other Latin American countries, "only a man has a right to command his own sex life, and that control is seen as a basic attribute of masculinity," he explained. "So when a young, attractive, intelligent woman appears and says she is a prostitute, you have a complete inversion of roles, leaving men fragile in a terrain where she is the boss, not them."
Atualização 30/04/2006A Bruna Surfistinha tb é destaque no Reino Unido... saiu uma reportagem no Sunday Times sobre a "Bruna the Surfer Girl" neste domingo. Fala só da história dela e do fenõmeno de mídia e vendas...
Six months after she gave up prostitution to turn her blog into a bestselling book, Bruna à€” whose real name is Raquel Pacheco à€” has become an improbable sex symbol in Brazil and a potential goldmine for publishers and film-makers around the world.
Around the World....
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qui, 02/04/2009 - 17:06
Sobre o Livroo
Bom eu já li o seu livro e achei muito interessante é legal nos leitores ler esse tipo de livro.
Eu em certos momentos me coloquei no lugar dela e vivi uma "Bruninha" , foi uma expêriencia muito legal..
Josiane Diniz Buri SP
Isabella Ferrero Taquarivaí SP