... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Google escondendo o jogo

O Observer mostra que o Google estaria jogando para baixo a capacidade tecnológica da empresa na véspera do IPO, pois os dados divulgados por funcionários nos últimos tempos não seriam consistentes.

How do we know this? Mainly because of internal inconsistencies in the data provided by Google employees. One university presentation, for example, claimed that Google handled 150 million queries a day, and 1,000 per second at peak times. This prompted Simpson Garfinkel of MIT's Technology Review to do some simple calculations. If the system is handling a peak load of 1,000 queries per second, he reasoned, that translates to a peak rate of 86.4 million queries per day - or perhaps 40 million queries per day if you assume that the system spends only half its time at peak capacity. 'No matter how you crank the math', he concluded, 'Google's statistics are not self-consistent'.

Uma explicação razoável para a empresa esconder a capacidade tecnologica real: o receio de dar parâmetros concorrentes no mercado de buscas como o Yahoo!, Teoma, etc.

Now the interesting question raised by all this is: why the reticence? Most companies lose no opportunity to brag about their technology. (Think of all those Oracle ads.) Is this an example of Google behaving ultra-responsibly - being careful not to hype its prospects prior to an IPO? Or is it a sign of a deeper commercial strategy? The latter is what Garfinkel suspects. 'After all,' 'he says, 'if Google publicised how many pages it has indexed and how many computers it has in its data centres around the world, search competitors such as Yahoo!, Teoma, and Mooter would know how much capital they had to raise in order to have a hope of displacing the king at the top of the hill.' If truth is the first casualty of war, openness is the first casualty of going public.


Digital imprimatur

É do final do ano passado, mas só vi agora. De qq modo, vale dar uma lida neste artigo: Digital Imprimatur. O texto feito por um dos fundadores da Autocad e ex-líder recentemente falecido projeto Speak Freely, John Walker (veja nota), discute o uso de certificados digitais no micropagamento, DRM, propriedade intelectual, etc. Além disso, vale destacar um alerta para os libertários da internet sobre o crescente número de conexões Network Address Translation (NAT).

De acordo com Walker, ao não dar um IP "de verdade" para o usuário final, as grandes empresas estariam fornecendo conexões de segunda classe, pois o NAT diminui a capacidade de servir informações, perpetuando os clientes na posição limitada de consumidor de serviços e informações.

But NAT, like dynamic IP addresses, once again divides those on the Internet into two classes. While the dynamic IP user's address changed with every online session, at least for the duration of that session it remained constant and was accessible from the outside world, just like a permanently connected host. Once users exchanged their current IP addresses through one of the server-based schemes, they were free to then open any kind of connection between their machines supported by Internet protocols. The NAT user, however, finds himself at a further level of remove from the "raw" Internet.

Recall that the NAT box assigns a port for each connection from a machine on the internal subnet to an external site only when the local machine initiates a connection. Otherwise machines on the internal subnet are completely inaccessible from the Internet at large--the other side of the NAT box. They do not have an externally visible IP address at all, fixed or dynamic, and there is no way an external site can communicate with them unless the local machine has first initiated the connection. A machine behind a NAT box cannot act as a server, because there is no address which remote sites may use to open connections to it. Two users behind NAT boxes cannot even create a peer to peer connection between themselves, since neither has an address which will accept connections initiated from outside. If they wish to communicate, they must both connect to a server (not behind a NAT box) which will then relay the data between them. This creates a point of control far more powerful than a "meeting place" server for dynamic IP address users. A server which forwards traffic between NAT users must have sufficient bandwidth to accommodate not only lookup requests but all the data sent between its users, and has the ability to monitor and potentially intercept all the traffic it relays.

Tempos ao vivo da Formula 1

Para quem quer dispensar o Galvão Bueno, mas quer saber tempos e diferenças ao vivo: formula1.com.

Tem um painel com os tempos ao vivo. Bem legal.


Um passeio pelo submundo do marketing na internet

Caí meio por acaso, via Google, no seguinte endereço: www ponto fature ponto ubbi ponto com ponto br (não tem link de propósito para não colaborar com o sujeito e possivelmente prejudicar a minha posição no Google). Na abertura da página de design tosco fui recebido por:

Kofigate: Conselho de segurança aprova a investigação

O Conselho de Segurança aprovou a investigação, mas agora eu quero ver se a França, a Rússia e outros membros permanentes com empresas e indivíduos acusados no escândalo (veja notas) vão deixar a coisa rolar de verdade. A BBC ouviu um consultor britânico do Conselho de Governo do Iraque, Claude Hankes-Drielsma, que afirmou ter ficado chocado após ter examinado alguns documentos deixados pelo Saddam.


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