... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Cyberwar na Guerra Fria

A Wired traz uma reportagem sobre o livro "At the Abyss: An Insider's History of the Cold War", do ex-secretário da força aérea americana e ex-assessor especial do Reagan, Thomas C. Reed.


Acrõnimos e expressões

Maratz mandou o link para o dicionário de acrõnimos e termos usados na internet no geek2geek.org. O site é útil quando aparecem coisas como RTFM em mensagens e vc não sabe o que significa. Além dos trecos "sérios" há tb os humorísticos. Selecionei alguns:

Term - User
The word computer professionals use when they mean 'idiot'.

Acronym - Windows
Will Install Needless Data On Whole System

Acronym - BASIC
Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control

Term - Gates's First Law
The speed of software halves every 18 months.
Refers to MS Windows speed of executaion.

Acronym - RISC
Reduced Into Silly Code

Acronym - AOL
America Online, or also known as Arseholes Online

Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Acronym - Microsoft
Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers

Acronym - PCMCIA
People can't master computer industry acronyms
People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms

Não tá lá ainda, mas em português só lembro de:

Besta Ignorante Operando Sistema

Se alguém lembrar de mais alguma na língua de Camões...


Algumas repercussões do depoimento do Richard Clarke

O New York Times diz em editorial que depois das entrevistas do inquérito do 9/11, ficou a impressão de que o problema não foi a indiferença da turma do baby Bush e sim a dificuldade da gangue de entender a ameaça terrorista.

The real impression gleaned from the hearings is not that the Bush administration was indifferent to the threat of terror, but that its officials had trouble fully understanding it. Ms. Rice was trained as a Sovietologist. Many of Mr. Bush's other top advisers are also former cold warriors who remained loyal to the agenda of the gulf war era, the early 1990's. Their mind-set did not allow for the possibility of an extranational threat not orchestrated by any one particular government. Once 9/11 happened, they organized an effective attack on Afghanistan, where Mr. bin Laden had been operating, but they then turned their attention to Iraq, a country that no one in Mr. Clarke's operation regarded as an incubator of international terrorism.

O Guardian publicou um artigo do ex-assessor do Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, dizendo que o novo inimigo do baby Bush hj é a verdade.

Terrorism was a Clinton issue: "soft" and obscure, having something to do with "globalisation", and other trends ridiculed from the Republican party platform. "In January 2001 the new administration really thought Clinton's recommendation that eliminating al-Qaida be one of their highest priorities, well, rather odd, like so many of the Clinton administration's actions, from their perspective," Clarke writes in his new book, Against All Enemies. When Clarke first met Rice and immediately raised the question of dealing with al-Qaida, she "gave me the impression she had never heard the term before".

As mentiras do atual governo americano tb são destaque no cartoon em Flash do Mark Fiori na motherjones.

A Slate, em artigo assinado pelo jornalista Fred Kaplan, diz que o depoimento do ex-chefe do contraterrorismo da Casa Branca nocauteou a turma do baby Bush.

The blow was so stunning, it took a while to realize that it was a blow. Clarke thanked the members for holding the hearings, saying they finally provided him "a forum where I can apologize" to the victims of 9/11 and their loved ones. He continued, addressing those relatives, many of whom were sitting in the hearing room:

Your government failed you Â… and I failed you. We tried hard, but that doesn't matter because we failed. And for that failure, I would ask Â… for your understanding and for your forgiveness.

End of statement. Applause. KO.

Defendendo baby Bush só mesmo a insanidade tendenciosa da FOXNews.

Coca-cola recolhe água da torneira engarrafada na Grã-Bretanha

A Coca-Cola está fazendo o recall de meio milhão de garrafas de água com a marca Dasani recém lançada na Grã Bretanha. O produto é água da torneira processada, como uma que a Nestlé vende por aqui (não é pudor de dizer o nome, não lembro mesmo). Veja BBC.

Ativistas chineses presos pelo Japão

Um grupo de 7 ativistas das "3 Chinas" (continental, Hong Kong e Taiwan) invadiu as ilhas Senkaku, uns pedacinhos de terra inabitada entre Okinawa e Taiwan cuja posse é disputada por Tóquio, Pequim e Taipé. Os ativistas devem ser deportados em breve, de acordo com o Asahi Shimbum.



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