O escritor e ativista, Jeremy Rifkin, publicou no Guardian um artigo chamando a atenção para a falta de discussão profunda do desemprego causado pela subsitituição de gente por tecnologia. Rifkin diz que os empregos industriais estão rareando até na China...
Where have all the factory jobs gone? It has become fashionable, of late, to blame the high unemployment on companies relocating their production facilities to China. It is true that China is producing and exporting a far greater percentage of manufacturing goods, but a new study by Alliance Capital Management has found that manufacturing jobs are being eliminated even faster in China than in any other country. Between 1995 and 2002, China lost more than 15m factory jobs, 15% of its total manufacturing workforce.
... e a área de serviços segue o mesmo caminho.
Now the white-collar and services industries are experiencing similar job losses, as intelligent technologies replace more and more workers. Banking, insurance, and the wholesale and retail sectors are introducing smart technologies into every aspect of their business operations, fast eliminating support personnel in the process. The US internet banking company Netbank has $2.4bn in deposits. A typical bank that size employs 2,000 people. Netbank runs its entire operation with just 180 workers.
Rifkin não vê solução para a questão dentro da lógica de mercado (menos gente trabalhando => menos dinheiro circulando => menor crescimento). Acho a interpretação pessimista demais e um pouco um pouco limitada. Prefiro acreditar que o aumento de produtividade trará abundância sem depender do tipo de emprego criado na revolução industrial que está perdendo o sentido na era da informação.
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