... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Cuba: Ecoturismo na Sierra Maestra

O Granma traz uma reportagem sobre caminhadas pela Serra Maestra que estão sendo organizadas.


Golpe no Haiti?

Aristide saiu ou foi saído pela CIA? O ex-Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, disse no DemocracyNow! que olhando os detalhes há sinais claros de mudança de regime patrocinada pelos EUA e até de uma agressão armada...

Have you heard President Bush or Colin Powell say a good thing about President Aristide? Have you heard them say repeatedly recently, he ought to leave, and earlier, that he ought to hold new elections? Is there a better-known enemy of Aristide than Roger Noriega? You see how puffed up he was when he walked into that meeting? Why did they cut off humanitarian aid to the poorest country in the hemisphere when they knew how desperate people were getting? Why'd they maintain an embargo? How do you think, you know, the same elements, the old military frap, gangs, got into Haiti with m-16's and m-60's from the Dominican Republic, with which President Bush personally has a close relationship and presence there, except the United States? Why did we tell Aristide, after they got in, that he should leave? Did we ever tell these gunman who were killing people -- half of the casualties that were counted were police officers. Imagine that. People coming in and shooting up the police in the United States.

O dedo da CIA nessas mudanças de regime é quase uma tradição e não me surpreende. A turma do Baby Bush não gostava do Aristide e ele ia cair cedo ou tarde. Entretanto, tou preocupado com a falta de planejamento. Será que vão deixar no poder esse milico aparentemente insano Guy Philippe (ex-chefe de polícia treinado pelos americanos no Equador) no poder junto com a turma do baby/papa Doc? (Veja CBC)

BTW, na entrevista, Clark tb levanta a possibilidade de outras intervenções americanas na América Latina... inclusive por aqui....

We don't want liberation theologies because both some religions and liberations threaten us. Particularly when you see what's happening all over Latin America. You've got Lula, you've got Chavez, you've got Gutierrez, and so on who want to serve thei own people and not U.S. interests. You have to get every stumbling block out. We just have to see if we can protect Cuba and Venezuela, and Ecuador, and Peru again and Brazil from - and, perhaps, the way things are going, Argentina, from new U.S. interventions. I think a major principle that the people of the United States must insist upon is no more U.S. interventions.

O programa traz tb entrevistas com o ator e ativista Danny Glover e com o Kenneth Kurtz, o chefe da empresa americana de segurança que cuidava do Aristide e foi impedida pela Casa Branca de mandar reforços na semana passada, de acordo com esta denúncia do Miami Herald.

Veja tb este artigo do Guardian explicando porque os EUA e a França não gostavam do Aristide.

Worst of all, he remained indelibly associated with what's left of a genuine popular movement for political and economic empowerment. For this reason alone, it was essential that he not only be forced from office but utterly discredited in the eyes of his people and the world. As Noam Chomsky has said, the "threat of a good example" solicits measures of retaliation that bear no relation to the strategic or economic importance of the country in question. This is why the leaders of the world have joined together to crush a democracy in the name of democracy.

Pizza de abacaxi

O embaixador da Itália na Grã Bretanha, Luigi Amaduzzi, escreveu um artigo no Guardian defendendo a tradição culinária do país dele, pervertida por invenções como a pizza com abacaxi.


Foguetinhos de palito de fósforo

Mais uma inutlidade divertida. Veja as instruções para fazer foguetinhos com palitos de fósforo, papel alumínio e clips neste site: matchstickrockets.com/.


Blogs estão arruinando a minha vida

A afirmação é da editora da revista literária Pindeldyboz, Whitney Pastorek, em um artigo no Village Voice. A jornalista lista várias mudanças de comportamento no mundo real de grande parte dos amigos dela que fazem parte da blogosfera.

Listen. My name is Whitney Pastorek, and I do not have a blog. I am not on Friendster, I do not live in Williamsburg, and I do not think Death Cab for Cutie is a particularly great band.

But I exist. I am a good person, a good friend, and my thoughts and opinions have weight and merit. The bloggers do not control me—they only control each other and massive amounts of bandwidth, which isn't even a real thing, just something made up by web-hosting companies to charge more! People! If you find yourself on the lower levels of the B.C.S., join with me in saying NO! NO to letting them diminish our self-worth! NO to letting them drag us out to flash mobs! Turn your faces to the sun! Stand and fight!

Se vc mantem um blog vale ler... Ela tem razão em grande parte das reclamações...

1. No one shows up for anything anymore.

There was an innocent time, about a year ago, when I was concerned that the Evite was going to be the death of polite society. But we now live in a world where it is unnecessary for people to attend any social functions whatsoever, so long as they are a blogger. For example: Let us say that I occasionally perform at literary events. I invite my friends to these events, hoping for affirmation and free drinks. How heartbreaking, then, when no one arrives! Phone calls are made: I am sad that you did not come to my event! The bloggers reply, invariably: But I linked to you on my blog! That is just the same as if I showed up in person!

It is not. It is very different


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