... publicando o que dá na telha desde janeiro de 2003.

Equipe de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas impedida de entrar no Sudão

A ONU está acusando o governo do Sudão de impedir as investigações das possíveis atrocidades na região de Darfur, onde há suspeitas de que a população não-árabe estaria sendo dizimada.

Massacre em Falujah 2

O Democracy Now! transmite mais uma reportagem do correspondente da Free Speech Radio News, Aaron Glantz (não deixe de ouvir a de ontem). Coisas tristes:

UNNAMED BAGHDAD DOCTOR]: We buried many in the stadium football. It's full now. But the problem is, how are you burying, you cannot stand in the football stadium for a long time, because they will shoot on you. So, we use shovels just to make a hole -- a big hole, and we just put the people from one family one over the other, and cover them with sand or -- and just go out from there.

HUMZA AL-HUMZA: I see people waving white flag and yelling for us, trying to see if we are here, just trying to save us. We cannot save them. Whenever we open the ambulance, they will shoot us. We are trying to carry them food or water by containers. As soon as we put the container on the street to push to them, the snipers shoot at the container of food. The driver with me was just shooting. I left the family with no food and water until now.

AMAR ABUZAY: This is my daughter who was getting married to my nephew. We had to celebrate that. We called it a challenged wedding celebration. There was another wedding celebration broadcast by Al-Jazeera during the time of the bombing. Last night, after the wedding, when we got out of Fallujah on the road back, one of our women was pregnant and she started to give birth. So, we couldn't take her to a hospital. She gave birth in the car. A son was born and we named him Mujahad or a holy warrior. And I asked God that he would be a Mujahad.

Milicos covardes.

John Kerry e o Iraque

O pré-candidato democrata John Kerry publicou ontem no Washington Post um artigo explicando como seria a estratégia dele para lidar com o Iraque.

Kerry defende a participação da ONU para desenrolar o nó político e na OTAN para para dividir as responsabilidades sobre a segurança. Além disso, o provável futuro ocupante da Casa Branca diz que o presidente precisa unir o país por um objetivo claro e que tenha credibilidade. O senador diz que os desafios e os custos são grandes e não dá para perder o apoio da opinião pública americana.

Finally, we must level with our citizens. Increasingly, the American people are confused about our goals in Iraq, particularly why we are going it almost alone. The president must rally the country around a clear and credible goal. The challenges are significant and the costs are high. But the stakes are too great to lose the support of the American people.

Líbia desaparece da Internet

Os domínios ".ly" sumiram da internet. De acordo com reportagem do Register, não há explicação oficial para o fato. A empresa com sede na grã-bretanha que administrava os domínios a Lydomains.com, diz que foi uma ação unilateral da Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (Iana). Nem a IANA, nem o ICANN explicam o problema.

Lydomains.com put out an email on Friday which read: "It is with regret that we have to inform you, that due to unilateral action by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (http://www.iana.org), the Domain Name Servers that host the zone files for the ccTLD .ly have been disabled.

Unfortunately, it has so far been impossible to verify what is going on. Lydomain.com is not answering its phone or email. IANA has failed to make any mention of any dispute with Libyan domains or, in fact, make any reference to it at all. ICANN equally has no suggestion as to what is going on. And the Libyans themselves are not answering their phones and, presumably, do not have any email.

Not a very nice way to treat what is apparently a friend of the West again


O Asahi Shimbum publicou uma reportagem comentando a moda "Samurai" no Japão. Esquisitíssimo....


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